Category Archives: Announcement


Dear subscribers and users, There has recently been an announcement from Japan Post regarding the international deliveries due to the global crisis related to COVID-19. Due to an important reduction of flights, multiple shipping services are temporarily suspended. Official Japanese Post Announcement This, unfortunately, includes the service we use to ship you the Boxes (SAL). […]

CORONAVIRUS – Delays announced by Japan Post

All Boxes have been shipped! However, we have an announcement regarding delivery times. Due to heavy parcel traffic from China, Japan Post, visibly overwhelmed, warned us that the delays could be longer than usual. Your Box could, therefore, arrive a little later than the scheduled date. So don’t worry about not seeing them arrive at […]

@Japan becomes Tanoshi Me

From January 2020 Box@Japan become officially Tanoshi Me Box! Tanoshi Me (pronounce it tanoshimi) come from the Japanese tanoshimi (楽しみ)that means pleasures, fun, and from english word “Me”. Therefore, Tanoshi Me is a service that have as purpose to makes you enjoy all the Japan by having fun! More efficient server, new name, new URL, […]